Recommended by many local Vets

When we think there is something wrong with our animal our first port of call is usually our Vet. The Vet is the primary care practitioner for our animals so is normally consulted (and quite rightly so) when there is a problem. In instances where the problem is musculoskeletal in nature, affecting movement, performance and general well being, the animal may benefit from additional Chiropractic care, concurrent with traditional Veterinary care.
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Animal Chiropractic is a well-established specialist form of Chiropractic drawing from a background of both Veterinary medicine and human chiropractic. Chiropractic care focuses on identifying the abnormal movements of the spine and the impact that these restrictions have on the functioning of the spine and the whole body.
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In both dogs and horses whether working, competing or family pets, normal daily physical stresses can build up and cause problems. These may present themselves as lameness or a reluctance to run, jump or perform or as behavioural changes such as lethargy or aggression. Chiropractic care is a holistic approach to maintaining the health of your animal and is effective in treating both chronic and acute conditions that may affect your animal’s behaviour mobility and performance.
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